- readout laser
- считывающий лазер
English-Russian dictionary on household appliances. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary on household appliances. 2014.
readout laser — skaitymo lazeris statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. readout laser vok. Leselaser, m rus. считывающий лазер, m pranc. laser de lecture, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
laser de lecture — skaitymo lazeris statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. readout laser vok. Leselaser, m rus. считывающий лазер, m pranc. laser de lecture, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Laser beam profiler — A laser beam profiler captures, displays, and records the spatial intensity profile of a laser beam at a particular plane transverse to the beam propagation path. Since there are many types of lasers ultraviolet, visible, infrared, continuous… … Wikipedia
Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System — The Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System or MILES is used by the US military and other armed forces around the world for training purposes. It uses lasers and blank cartridges to simulate actual battle. Individual soldiers carry small… … Wikipedia
Leselaser — skaitymo lazeris statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. readout laser vok. Leselaser, m rus. считывающий лазер, m pranc. laser de lecture, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
skaitymo lazeris — statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. readout laser vok. Leselaser, m rus. считывающий лазер, m pranc. laser de lecture, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
считывающий лазер — skaitymo lazeris statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. readout laser vok. Leselaser, m rus. считывающий лазер, m pranc. laser de lecture, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
3D optical data storage — is the term given to any form of optical data storage in which information can be recorded and/or read with three dimensional resolution (as opposed to the two dimensional resolution afforded, for example, by CD). [ Three Dimensional Optical Data … Wikipedia
Charge-coupled device — A specially developed CCD used for ultraviolet imaging in a wire bonded package. A charge coupled device (CCD) is a device for the movement of electrical charge, usually from within the device to an area where the charge can be manipulated, for… … Wikipedia
Flow measurement — is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. Flow can be measured in a variety of ways. Positive displacement flow meters acumulate a fixed volume of fluid and then count the number of times the volume is filled to measure flow. Other flow… … Wikipedia
Holographic data storage — is a potential replacement technology in the area of high capacity data storage currently dominated by magnetic and conventional optical data storage. Magnetic and optical data storage devices rely on individual bits being stored as distinct… … Wikipedia